Five Ways to Use Ayurveda Right Now

It’s the end of February and the beginning of March. Winter is turning to spring. Meanwhile, it’s snowing outside. Sooo yeah. Nature is in no rush, as per usual. Slowly, spring is arriving. During the transition of seasons, things may feel more challenging. As Vata season peaks, there is a heightened sense of mobility, coolness, and dryness among other things. Dry skin, scattered mind, cold feet. The end of winter. As spring makes its way here, there are tons of great ways support your body with Ayurveda.

Here are a five to consider:

1. Dry brushing

  • Optimize circulation of the lymphatic system

  • Release dry skin

  • Promote circulation through the body.  

2. Ginger Tea

  • Grounding.

  • Warming.

  • Supports healthy digestion. 

3. Cleanse [when weather reaches 68°F or above consistently]

  • Release stuck energy.

  • Release toxins, bacteria or parasites.

  • Detoxify digestive system.

  • Improve elimination, sleep, energy and sex. 

4. Meditation

  • Balancing

  • Routine during transition is stabilizing. 

5. Stick to a routine

  • Vata peaking means life can feel particularly mobile. Consider this time to emphasize grounding practices. Practices like your morning routine, meditation practices, and consistent mealtimes.

Ayurveda offers us so much in regard to enhancing our health and wellbeing. The more you practice, the more you learn.


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