How Movement Can Enhance Your Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

Let’s be honest, we all want to feel good. In our bodies, minds and souls. 

Finding alcohol-free ways to boost our mood can be a lot of fun. When your body is no longer relying on external chemicals for a mood boost, the ones you create are more powerful. 

One of the easiest ways to boost your mood au naturel? Move your body. 

There are so many ways we can enjoy moving our body. The key is to find what you like, so you keep coming back to it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, or how you think it should look. All that matters is when you move your body, you feel good. Like, really truly good from the inside out. 

Try as may different things as you can. Take classes at your local gym or yoga studio, find a friend to walk with, turn up the music and dance around your house, work with a personal trainer, join a running club. Let yourself have fun with movement, and get as creative as you want. It can be as enjoyable as your mindset allows it to be. Remind yourself you’re doing it because you love your body, not because you’re punishing it. Create a strong mindset around feeling good when you move, and allow the rest to follow. 

Some of the benefits when you start to move include…

  • Exercise releases endorphins, helping reduce stress. 

    • It reduces feelings of anxiety and depression by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.  

  • Movement helps increase blood flow and improve cell turnover. 

    • Efficiently removing waste products and free radicals from the body. This means brighter, clearer skin, and less inflammation through the entire body. 

  • Movement helps us strengthen our muscles and bones. 

    • By living an alcohol-free lifestyle we’re giving our body the chance to build itself stronger and restore better.

  • Improved sex life! 

    • Don’t sleep on this one y’all. The increase in circulation provides strong blood flow to those key areas of arousal. Don’t trust me, try it for yourself. 

  • Our body removes toxins when we sweat. 

    • Just broke up with your toxic ex? Sweat ‘em out! Also beneficial if you’ve had a few too many office treats, no shame in the sweet tooth game.

  • Improved sleep quality. 

    • Exercise has been shown to have better effects than sleeping pills. Sleep is a cornerstone of good health. 

  • Improvements in brain health. 

    • This is a big one. Movement protects your brain from aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It also promotes neurogenesis which is the growth of new brain cells. You’re not just strengthening the muscles in your body, you’re literally strengthening your brain when you move. 

All of these benefits are reason enough to get moving. Paired with an alcohol-free lifestyle you’re guaranteed to see these benefits on your way to feeling and looking your best. Though movement isn’t about looks, we often see a physical transformation as we keep moving. This can create a greater sense of confidence in yourself, and who doesn’t love to feel confident in their own skin? 

It takes inner confidence to live an alcohol-free life, and you deserve to have that confidence reflected outside too. Confidence is sexy, being true to yourself and the choices you make to live a healthier life without alcohol is sexy. You’ve already enhanced your life by choosing to live an alcohol-free lifestyle. Let movement move you to be your sexiest, healthiest and happiest self. 


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